Jun 13, 2016

Holbrook Junior League vs. Brewer (06-12-16)

I've come up with fifteen or twenty "funny" opening lines for this blog, but I'm going to assume they sound better in my head and leave them out. I will however dedicate this blog post to the moms, dads, and washing machines that were touched by yesterday's cruel and unusual punishment.

Many of us on the sidelines are slightly annoyed and irritated by the rain, others' feelings may align closer to hatred, and disgust. However, the most exciting games of my life were played in the mud. I can't speak for the team's personal preferences, but I will say that the "hydration" didn't hinder their performance whatsoever. Having to leave early, I didn't catch the final score, but I'm gonna safely say that it was "a lot to a little".

I left just as we switched out pitchers, so I don't have a whole lot of coverage on the bullpen, but I'd be surprised to hear that it was anything short of great.

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This is only the fourth set of games I've been to this season, and already I'm starting to feel some rhythm, and repetition from the photos of our defense. I'm gonna have to come up with something to make these shots more interesting. It's good baseball no doubt, but it's all so routine, nobody else has given us a run for our money this season.

But I will say without a doubt, and I think the parents with their horns agree, that there is nothing mundane about the offensive production. The hitting was patient yet powerful, and the base running was just straight up aggressive. While standing on Brewer's side of the field, I quite literally heard a parent say "may lord have mercy on our souls." I can't make that up. Between all the sliding, diving and hitting, I'd probably whisper something like that too.
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Apologies for the seemingly abbreviated gallery today, but check it out anyways. And please stop me if the writing becomes too painful. I'm sure I can work something out where the talking is kept to a minimum.

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