Jun 8, 2016

Holbrook Junior League vs. Hermon Middle School (06-04-16)

Before I get into Saturday's game, I'm going to apologize for the lack of coverage, and poor turnaround time. Working most nights, and getting to all these games is quite the struggle. I'm still doing my best, but I don't think my original goal for every game in the season is going to be met... But I'm preaching to the choir as far as the whole time thing goes. With that out of the way, Saturday's game:

After totally screwing up, I finally found the field. I knew it was at Hermon, I dropped Will off, but when I got back from some errands I was told the game was moved to Hampden... Or that's what I thought. Not important. Anyway, we can all add two to the win column for the season. I missed most of the first game but knew everything was alright when I heard we were up 17-1.
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Some splendid chemistry between the pitcher and his infielders. Not just here, but you can tell these guys work together. While I do believe this runner was safe (in this instance), we all know that the pick off is generally more effective in dampening a runner's lead than directly generating outs. This was especially true on Saturday as the infield flipped some impressive double plays, and shot down many advancing runners.
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On the offensive, everyone was hard at work. These guys were putting hits all over! To be honest, I got a little tired watching. Not to say it wasn't good baseball, but someone has to stir the pot!
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But we can always anticipate excitement at one point or another. I'll leave the offensive segment with that.
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These are our "Funny Faces of the Day". I haven't been taking photos for more than a couple years, so I'm no expert, but I find it's quite common place for those who are busy coordinating the intricate motions required for sports tend to lose control of their facial muscles. Maybe I'll post an album from basketball season too... I certainly admire the work they are doing, but I also like to take a moment, and appreciate the work their brains' are doing that allows for some pretty hilarious candid shots.

I'm trying to keep the posts themselves shorter, but as always, a full album from Saturday's double header with about 30 more photos!