Jun 19, 2016

Holbrook Junior League vs. Glenburn (06-18-16)

I'm tired, and it's Father's Day so for the sake of time, I'm gonna gloss over the shenanigans of trying to recreate and hype the game. Here are the best shots of the night.

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I really screwed up this photo, but the timing seemed so good, I couldn't leave it out. Pardon the quality, but appreciate the moment!
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Andrew has this kid out with some spectacular margins.
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Ben making the throw across the diamond.
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And of course Max keeping the game rolling!
Not as many photos as the previous post, but still worth checking out here! See you all this afternoon in Orono!

Jun 18, 2016

Holbrook Junior League vs. Hampden (06-16-16)

After some photo editing woes, I've got Thursday's shots up. 67 of them to be exact. A lot more than usual, but I'm being a little more liberal with what I put up, and I figured the closest game all season deserved a little more love.

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After some resistance, and an initial four run deficit, the boys got their bats going and cut that lead down to one. But the adrenaline certainly didn't wear off!

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Trevor killin' it with a couple of amazing back to back plays in the bottom of the third, and Max with a SportsCenter Top 10 equivalent sliding catch to end one of Hampden's chances at the W. And of course, Chappy as everyone seems to call him, stretching out for a vital out towards the end!

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Consistency is key, especially in the most stressful games of the season. The pitchers kept their chill and delivered so everyone's attention could be focused elsewhere.

I don't think catchers get a whole lot of love. Which is unfortunate because I have yet to hear an opposing coach warn their runners of ours. In light of this, here's some appreciation for one of the harder positions in the field to master.

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I couldn't find any notably funny faces from Thursday :( but I will highlight a couple of encouraging shots:

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Despite the margin (7-4 final) I think this is definitely one of the best games so far. A highlight of how focused the team can be when they try. A lot of the single shots from here are part of some cool sequences in the album, so check it out!

Jun 13, 2016

Holbrook Junior League vs. Brewer (06-12-16)

I've come up with fifteen or twenty "funny" opening lines for this blog, but I'm going to assume they sound better in my head and leave them out. I will however dedicate this blog post to the moms, dads, and washing machines that were touched by yesterday's cruel and unusual punishment.

Many of us on the sidelines are slightly annoyed and irritated by the rain, others' feelings may align closer to hatred, and disgust. However, the most exciting games of my life were played in the mud. I can't speak for the team's personal preferences, but I will say that the "hydration" didn't hinder their performance whatsoever. Having to leave early, I didn't catch the final score, but I'm gonna safely say that it was "a lot to a little".

I left just as we switched out pitchers, so I don't have a whole lot of coverage on the bullpen, but I'd be surprised to hear that it was anything short of great.

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This is only the fourth set of games I've been to this season, and already I'm starting to feel some rhythm, and repetition from the photos of our defense. I'm gonna have to come up with something to make these shots more interesting. It's good baseball no doubt, but it's all so routine, nobody else has given us a run for our money this season.

But I will say without a doubt, and I think the parents with their horns agree, that there is nothing mundane about the offensive production. The hitting was patient yet powerful, and the base running was just straight up aggressive. While standing on Brewer's side of the field, I quite literally heard a parent say "may lord have mercy on our souls." I can't make that up. Between all the sliding, diving and hitting, I'd probably whisper something like that too.
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Apologies for the seemingly abbreviated gallery today, but check it out anyways. And please stop me if the writing becomes too painful. I'm sure I can work something out where the talking is kept to a minimum.